Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Character Breakdown: The Skull Kid (the fool)

Name: Skull Kid

Alias: No alias. The character is always referred to as 'The Skull Kid'.

Age: Immortal

Height: 5ft - 5ft 5'.

Weight: 5.02 stone

Sex: Male

Race: Hylian/Creature

Eye Colour: Orange (Glow)

Hair Colour: No hair.

Glasses or Contact Lenses: Neither

Nationality: Kokiri

Skin Colour: Bark Brown

Shape of Face: Round

Distinguishing Features

Clothing: Torn rags

Mannerisms: Playful

Habits: Steals

Hobbies: Plays music (flute)

Favourite Sayings: He likes to laugh and giggle

Voice: Gloomy/Echos

Walking Style: Shuffles and Hunches while he walks

Disabilities: No disabilities

Characters Greatest Flaw: His feeling of abandonment

Character's Best Quality: His playfulness

Social Characteristics

Hometown: Kokiri Village

Current Residence: The Lost Woods

Occupation: Unemployed

Income: Nothing

Talents/Skills: Sneaky

Family Status: No family

Character as a Child: Abandoned in the Lost Woods

Character as an Adult: Theif

Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: No education

Intelligence Level: 110

Character's Goals: He wants to make lots of friends

Self-esteem: The character takes no notice of his appearance. He does not care. However he likes to wear masks.

Confidence: Average confidence

Emotional Status: He is ruled by his emotions.

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert: Introverted

How does your character try to deal with his emotions: He tries to brush these feelings of his shoulder.

What would your character like to change about his or her life?
He physical appearance. He wants to be Hylian again.

Motivation: The thought of companionship

Fear: He is afraid of adults

Happiness: He feels happy when he makes friends, plays music and receives gifts.

Relationships: He is very playful yet shy

Spiritual Characteristics

Does your character believe in God?

Does your character have a strong connection to his/her faith?

Does your character live his/her life according to the laws of his/her faith?

Character's Involvement In The Story

Archetype: The fool

Environment: The environment has changed the physical form of the character.

Timeline: Abandoned in the woods. Transformed into 'Skull Kid'. Met Saria the Kokiri child. Learned to play 'Saria's Song. Became friends with 'Link the Hylian'

Monday, 14 January 2013

'Clip' Character Bio

Name: Clip

Alias: No alias.

Age: 7

Height: 5 inches

Weight: 15.9 kg

Sex: Male


Eye Colour: Black.

Hair Colour: No hair.

Glasses or Contact Lenses: Neither.

Nationality: American.

Skin Colour: Metallic Steel.

Shape of Face: Circular.

Distinguishing Features

Clothing: None.

Mannerisms: Docile.

Habits: Losing himself.

Hobbies: Collecting objects.

Favourite Sayings: Hm.

Voice:High pitched, static.

Walking Style: Paces himself.

Disabilities: None.

Character's Greatest Flaw: Forgetful.

Character's Best Quality: Logic.

Social Characteristics

Hometown: New York.

Current Residence: Holes and cracks that he finds while walking.

Occupation: Unemployed.

Income: No income.

Talents/Skills: Hiding.

Family Status: No family.

Character as a Child: Likes to wander.

Character as an Adult: Clever.

Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background: Self taught.

Intelligence Level: 140 IQ.

Character's Goals: To find somewhere he belongs and recover his memory.

Self-esteem: Sometimes he forgets how small he really is.

Confidence: Not a lot.

Emotional Status: Can become a little scared of things bigger than himself.

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert.

How does your character try to deal with his emotions?
He deals with them by talking to himself.  
What would your character like to change about his or her life?
He would be in a place with lots of friends.

Motivation: His curiosity.

Fear: Things bigger than himself.

Happiness: To an extent. He is happy when he finds things that he likes, but he wishes that he had someone to be with.

Relationships: None.

Spiritual Characteristics

Does your character believe in God?
He would like to.

Does your character have a strong connection to his/her faith?

Does your character live his/her life according to the laws of his/her faith?

Character's Involvement In The Story

Archetype: The Hero.

Environment: A desolate city.

Timeline: Built by a young boy. Lived with him for years. Earthlings leave the planet because of invasion. Clip is hit whilst trying to protect the young boy. He loses his memory. The young boy is killed while all earthlings evacuate. Clip wakes up with no knowledge of what has happened.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Character Research: Task 2

Film: 9
 The film '9' takes place in a post-apocalyptic world governed by as sadistic artificial intelligence and it's robot slaves. The main character and his companions are small robotic people that are sewn together out of cloth. Whilst they traverse the world in an effort to complete their goal, they come across the robotic monstrosities that have been created by the antagonist to stop and kill the protagonist. These robots have been compiled out of spare parts that the antagonist has collected in it's lair. I find the structure and detail of these monsters highly interesting as they are all created from parts of common houshold objects that have no relation to eachother, and yet when you view them in the final form, they look as though they belong together.

 Animation: Robot Stop Frame Animation
 I stumbled upon this animation a few months after it was uploaded onto youtube. I have found it quite difficult to find an animation related to the theme 'recycled' and I am quite sceptical about the one that I have chosen. The animator created the robot character out of wires found in a computer. This is the only way I can fit the theme of recycling into the animation, the fact that the animator has created a character from different parts of a computer.

Artist Work: Cyber Fairy
I found this sculpture posted on deviant art. The link between recycled objects and fmiliar forms is quite obvious, but it is also quite striking. I have the same feelings about this piece as I did about the robotic monsters in '9'. Everything seems to work together even though we would not ever relate the objects to eachother in our minds.