Alias: No alias. The character is always referred to as 'The Skull Kid'.
Age: Immortal
Height: 5ft - 5ft 5'.
Weight: 5.02 stone
Sex: Male
Race: Hylian/Creature
Eye Colour: Orange (Glow)
Hair Colour: No hair.
Glasses or Contact Lenses: Neither
Nationality: Kokiri
Skin Colour: Bark Brown
Shape of Face: Round
Distinguishing Features
Clothing: Torn ragsMannerisms: Playful
Habits: Steals
Hobbies: Plays music (flute)
Favourite Sayings: He likes to laugh and giggle
Voice: Gloomy/Echos
Walking Style: Shuffles and Hunches while he walks
Disabilities: No disabilities
Characters Greatest Flaw: His feeling of abandonment
Character's Best Quality: His playfulness
Social Characteristics
Hometown: Kokiri VillageCurrent Residence: The Lost Woods
Occupation: Unemployed
Income: Nothing
Talents/Skills: Sneaky
Family Status: No family
Character as a Child: Abandoned in the Lost Woods
Character as an Adult: Theif
Attributes and Attitudes
Educational Background: No educationIntelligence Level: 110
Character's Goals: He wants to make lots of friends
Self-esteem: The character takes no notice of his appearance. He does not care. However he likes to wear masks.
Confidence: Average confidence
Emotional Status: He is ruled by his emotions.
Emotional Characteristics
Introvert or Extrovert: IntrovertedHow does your character try to deal with his emotions: He tries to brush these feelings of his shoulder.
What would your character like to change about his or her life?
He physical appearance. He wants to be Hylian again.
Motivation: The thought of companionship
Fear: He is afraid of adults
Happiness: He feels happy when he makes friends, plays music and receives gifts.
Relationships: He is very playful yet shy
Spiritual Characteristics
Does your character believe in God?No.
Does your character have a strong connection to his/her faith?
Does your character live his/her life according to the laws of his/her faith?
Character's Involvement In The Story
Archetype: The foolEnvironment: The environment has changed the physical form of the character.
Timeline: Abandoned in the woods. Transformed into 'Skull Kid'. Met Saria the Kokiri child. Learned to play 'Saria's Song. Became friends with 'Link the Hylian'